Personal cold or hot pain reliever
The ultimate body massager
For warm use: heat in microwave up to 1000Watts. Place massager in middle of the microwave flat side down and heat on full power for 20 seconds.
Turn massager over and heat for 20 seconds.
Then turn over again and heat again for a further 20 seconds. The product will come flexible when heated.
For cold therapy such a bruises and new injuries place the massager in the freezer for 30 minutes. Cold therapy should be initiated within the first 24 hours of the injury being sustained.
For massaging place the massager in the effected area and make small circular movements.
If overheated leave for at least 30 minutes before reheating and reuse of the massager.
Aromatherapy oils can be used with this product.
Renew the Product After 3 Years.